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Free 5 Tricks To Use Keywords In Your Blog Posts How To Boost Blog Traffic With Keyword Writing And SEO

how to use keyword for seo
One of the biggest sources of traffic to your blog will be search engines, particularly Google.  You can boost the traffic that comes to your blogs from search engines by implementing search engine optimization (SEO) tricks into your blog layout and writing.  You can get started by doing some keyword research and determining which keywords are likely to drive the most traffic to your blog.  Then focus on incorporating those keywords into your blog posts using the tricks below.

1. Use keywords in your blog post title.

One of the best ways to incorporate keywords into your blog posts is to use them in your blog post titles.  However, don't sacrifice a title's ability to motivate people to click through and read your entire blog post.  Learn 3 tips to write great blog post titles.

2. Focus on using just one or two keyword phrases in each blog post.

To maximize the traffic that comes to your blog via search engines, focus on optimizating each of your blog posts for just one or two keyword phrases.  Too many keyword phrases dilutes the content of your post for readers and can look like spam to both readers and search engines.  You can learn more about using specific keywords to maximize search traffic by reading about long tail search engine optimization.

Free Tricks : Boost Blog Traffic With Long Tail Search Engine Optimization How To Grow Your Blog By Targeting Specific Search Terms

boost your blog using seo
Most bloggers who analyze their blog traffic statistics learn that the majority of visitors to their blogs come directly from keyword searches on popular search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing. Many of those bloggers spend a lot of time doing keyword research to identify the keywords that people are actively typing into their preferred search engines to find content similar to what is published on those blogs. The reason is simple. Once you know the keywords that people use in order to find content like yours, you can revise your existing content and write new content that actually uses those keywords in order to capture some traffic from those keyword searches.
A Search Engine Optimization Problem
Unfortunately, the world of online keyword searches is imperfect, and it can be very difficult to compete with large, popular Web sites for broad and popular keyword traffic. How can your small blog appear high enough in keyword search results when big sites with deep pockets and vast content are already dominating the scene?

Free Tips : How Many Links Are Too Many Links For SEO? When Links Change From SEO Boosters To SEO Spammers

how can be seo spammer
Using keywords in links is a great way to boost search engine optimization and drive more traffic to your blog through search engine keyword searches because most search engine ranking algorithms weigh linked text heavier than non-linked text. However, too many links can be viewed as a spam technique causing search engines like Google to remove your blog from search results completely. You don't want that to happen!
The accepted link to text ratio estimated by search engine optimization experts is one link for every 125 words. That means if your blog post is 250 words, you can feel confident including up to two links in that post without hurting your search engine rankings but still helping those rankings if your links are keyword-specific.
Once a blog is removed from search engine rankings because it is flagged as spam, it's nearly impossible for it to get readmitted. Therefore, avoid potentially being labeled as a link spammer by sticking with the rule of including no more than one link per 125 words of content within a blog post.

Free Tips : Top 4 Keyword Research Tools Free And Paid Sites For Keyword Research And Long-Tail SEO Research

research keyword for seo tricks
If you want to increase traffic to your blog, then search engine optimization (SEO) should be important to you. In order to optimize your blog for keyword search traffic, you need to start by doing some keyword research and long-tail SEO research to learn the keywords and keyword phrases people are using to find content like that offered on your blog. The 4 Web sites below can help you conduct keyword research. Once you find the keywords people are using to find content like yours, you can target those keywords in your blog posts and content (follow the link to learn the top 10 SEO tips).

1. Wordtracker

Wordtracker is probably the best tool for keyword research, but it does have a price tag associated with it. However, you can sign up for a free trial and give it a test drive. If you're serious about search engine optimization, then you should use Wordtracker for your keyword research.

What Is Keyword??

A keyword is a word or phrase (called a keyword phrase) that is used to help index content on Web pages so search engines such as Google can better categorize them and deliver those pages appropriately when people conduct searches.
In other words, Google scans your blog pages and identifies keywords and keyword phrases using a contextual algorithm. Google then indexes those pages based on the content and keywords found on those pages and delivers them when people search using the keywords found on your blog pages.
Keywords are an important element of search engine optimization (SEO).
Also Known As: keyword phrase

CSS Definition

Definition: CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets which is the programming language used to create web page presentation, including blogs. CSS tells the web browser how to display the HTML elements that make up the page content.
Also Known As: Cascading Style Sheets

Free TIps : CSS Overview for Newbies

What is CSS?:

CSS is a programming language used to define how web pages will look. HTML is used to tell your web browser what content to display on your web (or blog) pages while CSS defines the presentation of those HTML elements (how they'll look, including colors, sizes, placement, etc.).

What are Style Sheets?:

A style sheet is made up of various rules that you modify to make your web pages look the way you want them to. A complete website is made up of a group of style sheets that work like a waterfall does where one cascades to the next. In other words, rules from one page follow to the next in a type of hierarchy of rules the visual presentation will follow.

Do I Need to Learn CSS to Start a Blog?:

The short answer is no. However, if you want to be able to customize your blog without paying a blog designer, then learning CSS can be an invaluable tool.

Where Can I Learn CSS?:

You can learn CSS through online tutorials and books. You can follow the link to find 10 popular resources to learn CSS.

Free Tips : 10 Websites and Books to Learn CSS Resources for Bloggers to Learn CSS Fast

10 websites and books to learn css

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is the programming language used to tell your web browser how to display HTML elements on screen, including the pages on your blog. Learning CSS can save you time and money, and allow you to enhance and customize your blog. Take a look at the resources below that you can use to learn CSS even if you never dreamed you could learn a programming language!
Still not convinced? Check out 5 reasons bloggers should learn HTML and CSS. Also, check out 10 resources to learn HTML. Guide to Web Design

The Guide to Web Design provides a wealth of information that can help you learn CSS. The link above leads you to a page where you can access CSS tutorials, CSS courses and more.

Free Tips : 10 Websites And Books To Learn HTML Resources For Bloggers To Learn HTML Fast

10 websites and books to learn html
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is the basic programming language used to write pages on the Internet, including the pages on your blog. Learning HTML can save you time and allow you to enhance and customize your blog. Take a look at the resources below that you can use to learn HTML even if you never dreamed you could learn a programming language!
Still not convinced? Check out 5 reasons bloggers should learn HTML and CSS. Also, check out 10 resources to learn CSS. Guide to Web Design

The Guide to Web Design provides a wealth of information that can help you learn HTML, including tutorials, online courses, and more.

Free Tips : HTML Overview For Dummies

What Is HTML?:

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is the basic programming language used to write pages on the World Wide Web. Basically, HTML tells your web browser how to display text, images, links, sounds and more on your screen.

What Are HTML Tags?:

HTML relies on tags to produce commands and customize elements on a web page. Tags are basically instructions telling the browser when to start displaying a specific item or enhancement (such as bold or italics) and when to stop that enhancement. For example, to display a word in bold, the HTML code with the appropriate tags would look like this:
I <b>love</b> blogs.
That sentence would display on your browser as follows:
love blogs.

5 Reasons Bloggers Should Learn HTML And CSS Learning HTML And CSS Can Help Bloggers Save Money And Time, Make Money And More

reason bloggers should learn HTML and CSS
Bloggers who take the time to learn HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) can easily take their blog to the next level with little to no monetary investment. There are a variety of websites, online tutorials, articles, and books dedicated to teaching people how to use HTML and CSS to make their web pages and blogs the best that they can be. Learning HTML and CSS can help you save money, save time, make money and more! Learn how below, and then check out the list of 10 Resources to Help Bloggers Learn HTMLand 10 Resources to Help Bloggers Learn CSS.

1. Make Changes to Your Blog

Bloggers are very limited in terms of how they can customize the appearance and functionality of their blogs unless they know some HTML and CSS. The more HTML and CSS that you know, the more you can do with your blog. Without HTML and CSS knowledge, you're stuck with the basic design and functionality of your blog's template and setup, unless you hire a blog designer to help you.

Free 15 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic Simple Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed In The Blogosphere

blogging tips for beginner
The blogosphere is a big and busy world with over 100 million blogs and growing. How do you attract visitors to your blog? Follow these simple tips to drive traffic to your blog.

1. Write Well and Write Often

Frequently updating your blog with useful content is the first step to building your blog's audience. The content you write is what will keep readers coming back for more. Make sure you have something meaningful to say to them and say it often to maintain their interest and keep them loyal.
Furthermore, post frequently to increase the number of chances you have for your blog's content to be noticed by search engines such as Google or Technorati.

Top 10 Best iPad Apps for Blogging 10 iPad Apps Bloggers Need to Try

If you have an iPad tablet device, then you might already be using it to blog with the iPad app for your blogging application, such as the WordPress mobile app. However, there are many iPad apps that can make blogging easier, faster, and better. Following are 10 of the best iPad apps for blogging that you should try.
Keep in mind, some of these iPad apps are free, some offer free and paid versions (with additional features), and some come with a price tag. All of the iPad apps listed below are very popular, but it's up to you to review their features and choose the ones that will best meet your needs at a price you're willing to pay.

1.  1Password for iPad

There are many password management tools, but 1Password for iPad is one of the best options. Instead of trying to remember all of your passwords when you're blogging on the go, you can login with a single password and access all of your saved websites using a single 1Password. It's a time saver and a stress reducer!

Find WordPress Mobile Apps Take WordPress on the Go with WordPress Mobile Apps

Make it easy to blog on the go by downloading a WordPress mobile app for your iPhone, BlackBerry or Android smartphone.

WordPress for iPhone OS

WordPress for iPhone OS App Download Button© Automattic Inc.
You can easily blog from your Apple iPhone, iPod touch or iPad device with the WordPress for iPhone OS app.  Functions such as managing comments, writing posts, inserting images, and more are streamlined for the iPhone format when you use the WordPress for iPhone app.  You can follow the link to download the WordPress for iPhone OS app.


Top 10 Hotel Langkawi

Langkawi Island is a tropical paradise with swaying palms, cool-blue ocean waters and a verdant jungle interior. Dominated by the 478.5 square kilometre Pulau Langkawi, the 99 islands that make the group up are a picture of raw magnificent beauty. The district’s been duty-free since 1986 and this status often draws in eager visitors who flock here to get alcohol, cigarettes, perfumes, cosmetics, crockery as well as chocolate at prices a lot cheaper than normal.

Here is the list of top 10 hotel that you can get for vacation at Langkawi :

Free 15 Tricks Ways to Promote a Blog Post Immediately after You Publish It How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog by Promoting Your Blog Posts

The majority of traffic that comes to a blog post comes within the first day or so after it's published. You can get bumps in traffic long after a blog post is published, but more often, the bulk of the traffic to a blog post comes sooner rather than later. With that in mind, it's important to promote your blog posts and increase traffic to them immediately after you publish them. This is particularly important for posts about timely topics but applies to all of your blog posts. Following are 15 ways you can promote your blog post immediately after you publish it to increase traffic to it quickly.

1. Tweet Your Blog Post to Your Twitter Followers

Twitter is a perfect place to share a link to your blog post as soon as you publish it. There are many tools that enable you to automatically publish a link to your latest blog post on your Twitter stream, or you can share it manually.

2. Share the Blog Post on Facebook

Given how many people use Facebook, it's highly likely that people who want to read your blog posts are on Facebook, too. Therefore, be sure to share a link to your blog post on both your Facebook Profile and Page (if you have a Facebook Page for your blog). 

3. Share the Post on Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual social bookmarking sites. If you include images in your blog posts, then Pinterest is a great place to promote them.
4. Share the Post on Google+
Google+ is a powerful tool for blog post promotion, and it shouldn't be missed. Following are some articles that discuss how you can use Google+ to increase traffic to your blog:

5. Share the Post to Your LinkedIn Followers

If you write a blog about a business, career, or professional topic, then LinkedIn is one of the most important places to promote your blog posts. Here are some articles to get you started:

6. Share the Post with Members of LinkedIn Groups You Belong To

If you belong to any LinkedIn groups (and you can belong to up to 50 LinkedIn groups and unlimited subgroups within those 50 groups with a free LinkedIn membership), then you can share links and snippets about your blog posts through those groups. Just make sure to only share relevant blog posts, so other members of the group don't think you're more interested in self-promotion than networking with them. You don't want to look like a spammer who clutters the group conversations with links to your blog posts and nothing more. Get help with LinkedIn and LinkedIn groups:

7. Include a Link to the Post in Your Email Newsletter

If you have an email opt-in form on your blog and collect email addresses from readers in order to send email newsletters and communications to them, then those email messages are a great place to share links to your blog posts. Make sure you include a snippet along with the link to entice them to click through and read the complete blog post. These articles offer some more information:

8. Share the Link with Online Influencers and Bloggers You Have Relationships With

Have you been taking the time to find online influencers who have the attention of your blog's target audience? Have you taken the time to connect with online influencers and bloggers to get on their radar screens? Have you begun to build relationships with them? If you answered yes to these questions, then you should share links to your best and most useful blog posts with them and ask if they would share it with their own audiences (if they like the posts). Make sure you don't spam online influencers and bloggers. Instead, be very selective about which blog posts you ask them to help you share. And if you haven't started to find and connect with online influencers and bloggers in your niche, you're missing a big opportunity to grow your blog. Following are some articles that will be helpful to you:

9. Consider How to Repurpose the Blog Post to Extend Its Life

Immediately after you publish a blog post, you should think about how you can repurpose the content within that blog post to extend its reach and its life. A blog post can be used as a promotional tool for your entire blog when it's repurposed. Learn more in the following articles:

10. Share the Post on Social Bookmarking Sites Like StumbleUpon

Social bookmarking enables you to share your blog posts with people who are actively looking for content. Use the tips and suggestions in the following articles to promote your blog posts using social bookmarking:

Top Finding Free Photos from Flickr to Use on Your Blog How to Find Photos You Can Legally Use on Your Blog from Flickr

Flickr is a photo sharing website that contains thousands of photos uploaded by people from all over the world. Some of those photos are free for you to use on your blog. Those photos are protected under creative commons licenses.
Before you use photos you find on Flickr in your blog, make sure you fully understand creative commons licences. Once you completely understand the legalities of using photos taken by other people that have creative commons licenses attached to them, then you can visit the Flickr website to find photos to use on your blog.
Luckily, Flickr offers a variety of search features to help you find photos with the specific types of creative commons licenses that apply to you and your blog. You can find those photo search tools in the Flickr Creative Commons page.

Free Tips : How Bloggers Can Use Pinterest

Find Ideas for Blog Posts:

There are many creative ways to come up with ideas for blog posts, and Pinterest is a great choice! Browse through pinboards using a keyword search related to your blog topic. You're sure to find a diverse list of pinboards and pins to get your creative juices flowing. Click through some of the results and see what people are sharing on their pinboards as well as which pins are getting a lot of repins, likes, and comments. These are likely to be images and videos that will get your blog audience talking, too, and could be perfect sources for new blog posts.

Share Images and Videos from Your Blog:

When you publish an interesting image or video on your blog, you can pin it on Pinterest, too. Just make sure you pin more content from other sources than your own, or you'll look like you're only interested in self-promotion. No one will follow you and you might even be found in violation of Pinterest's terms of use if you use your pinboards solely for self-promotion.
Here is an example. Imagine that you write a blog about cooking and publish an image of your latest Italian dish along with the recipe on your blog. You can pin the image on a Pinterest pinboard called "My Best Italian Dishes," making it easy for people on that site to find all of your best Italian creations. Create another pinboard for "My Best Desserts," "My Biggest Cooking Failures," "Cooking Tools I Can't Live Without," and so on. These pinboards can include images from your blog, while other pinboards could include content from other sources. For example, you could create pinboards called "Dishes from Chefs that Inspire Me," "Cooking Tools I Wish I Had," and "Amazing Kitchens." By pinning content published by other people, you can start to build relationships with them that can lead to blog growth.

Find Your Audience and Engage with Them:

Chances are your blog audience (or people who match your current blog audience profile) are on Pinterest. If you can find them and start to engage with them on Pinterest by liking, repinning, and commenting on their pins, then they might start doing the same for you. That puts your pins in front of a wider audience. Some of that exposure might turn into blog traffic from people who see your pins and want to learn more from you!

Find Online Influencers and Build Relationships:

Just as connecting with your blog audience and engaging with them on Pinterest can help grow your blog, so can finding and engaging with online influencers. Look for people on Pinterest who already have the eyes and ears of your target audience and start following them, repinning their content, liking their pins, and commenting on their pins. In time, your efforts will get noticed and you'll be able to start building relationships with these influencers. When you get on an influencer's radar screens, you have the potential to get your content in front of his or her audience, which can lead to a surge in exposure and traffic to your blog.

Save Images and Videos to Blog About Later:

Sometimes, you find a great image or video online that you want to blog about, but you just don't have time to do it at that moment. Why not pin it on a Pinterest pinboard, so it's easy to find all of those blog post ideas later? You can create a pinboard called "Blog Post Inspiration" and keep all of your blog post fodder there. It's just like a file cabinet but without all the paper!

Top Free 20 Pinterest Board Topics for Business Blog Marketing Increase Traffic to Your Business Blog with Creative Pinterest Boards

Pinterest is a great social media marketing tool that you can use to increase traffic to your business blog, which can lead to sales. Don't create boring pinboards that no one wants to look at. Instead, create interesting boards that tell stories, pique the interest of your target audience, and motivate them to engage with you and your business. By pinning highly shareable content on creative pinboards, you'll raise your business' online profile and increased revenues are sure to follow! Twenty creative Pinterest board topics that can boost your business blog marketing are listed below to help you get started.

1. Sales and Discounts

Keep all of your promotional content on a single Pinterest board where it's easy to find and doesn't clutter your other boards.

2. Tutorials and How-To's

Offer tips, tutorials and how-to's using images that lead to more detailed articles. However, make sure the images are useful on their own. For example, include a graphic of a person using one of your products with several steps to perform a specific function included in the graphic. Be sure to link it to your business blog for all the details.

3. Demos

Create a Pinterest board dedicated to demonstration videos where you can show visitors how to use your products to complete specific tasks.

4. Look Books and Ideas to Use Your Products

Fashion, design, decorating, and home improvement brands are just some of the types of businesses that can create great Pinterest boards to show off collections of products. Look books and design ideas can be inspirational and motivate people to click through to learn more on your blog and buy the products they see.

5. Infographics

Infographics are highly shareable and can become viral for just about any topic. Search for infographics related to your business, hire someone to create some for you, or create your own. Be sure to blog about them and pin them to your infographics pinboard, and share inforgraphics published on other blogs and websites, too.

6. Research Charts and Graphs

Whether you conduct research related to your business or industry or you simply find research conducted by and published by other companies, you can blog about that research and pin related charts and graphs to a pinboard on Pinterest. If the data could be interesting to your target customer audience or audiences who are likely to share it with their own followers (for example, journalists, other bloggers, and so on), pin it!

Top 6 Free Sites to Find Free Photos to Use on Your Blog Use These Sites to Find Free Photos and Images for Your Blog

Finding free photos to use on your blog that don't have stringent copyright restrictions can be challenging. The following five websites offer free photos that bloggers can download to use on their blogs. Make sure you check the copyright restrictions on any photos you use on your blog. Some of the free photos on these sites could require you to provide attribution (which you should do anyway), notify the photographer of your use of their photo or more. Always follow the copyright and creative commons licensing rules related to any photo you use on your blog and obtain any necessary permissions.

1. Stock Xchange

Stock Xchange is a great resource for finding free photos to use on your blog. Different photos have different restrictions, so be sure to check the copyright and attribution requirements before you use a photo. Stock Xchange also includes many photos that are available for a fee.

2. Flickr

Flickr is growing in popularity everyday. To find free photos that are available for use on your blog, begin by searching using creative commons license. Be certain to provide attribution and link back to the source.

3. morgueFile

MorgueFile has a large selection of free photos that you can use on your blog. Typically, you'll need to ask for permission and link back from your blog post to the source.

4. Dreamstime

Dreamstime provides a good selection of royalty free stock photos as well as images available for a fee (as low as $0.26).

5. FreeFoto

FreeFoto offers over 100,000 free photos that you can use on your blog. Typically, you'll have to provide attribution and link back to the source. Most photos include a small watermark in the lower righthand corner of the photo that says "" which is fairly unobtrusive.

6. Picapp

Picapp offers bloggers free access to and use of high-resolution images from Corbis, Getty Images, Jupiter Images and more. Simply search the database, copy the provided code and paste it into your blog post HTML editor, and publish your post. The image you selected appears in your post. The catch is that gadget strip appears with the image. When a person clicks on the gadget strip, they're taken to another web page where related images and ads appear. You should take a look at the site's terms and conditions before you use Picapp images. Image owners receive a royalty each time the image is used by a blogger and viewed by visitors.

Free Photo Editing Sites Resize and Enhance Images for Your Blog for Free

Including images in your blog can help illustrate a point or add visual appeal to your blog. Once you find an image that you're legally allowed to use, you can upload it to your blog post. However, what if that image is very large or requires some kind of editing such as cropping or has to be changed to a different file format? Rather than invest in an expensive image editing software program, take advantage of one of the free photo editing sites that can be found online. Following are four popular and free photo editing sites that can help you resize, edit and enhance images for your blog. is a completely free photo editing software application that can be used by people who use Windows-based computer systems. It's easy to use and provides a wealth of features for users who want to do more than simply resize or crop an image, such as creating layers, special effects and more. The software is downloaded directly to your computer hard drive, so you don't have to rely on the speed or availability of your Internet connection when you use it. is an incredibly simply free photo editing website. To use, you'll need to register, then simply upload the images you want to edit from your hard drive to, edit them then resave them to your hard drive. Advanced features are available for a fee. Since is used online, you have to have a working (and hopefully speedy) Internet connection anytime you want to edit an image. is a completely free photo editing site that allows you to resize images and save them in jpeg format. The options for photo editing are extremely limited, but is very easy to use. A small amount of advanced features are available through a free Google Pack download. Since is used online, you need to have a working (and hopefully, speedy) Internet connection whenever you want to use it to edit images. (or The Gimp, as it's often called) us a more advanced free photo editing program that must be downloaded to your computer. Downloads are available for both Windows and Mac users. The Gimp works similarly to expensive photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop in terms of its features and functionality. If you're looking for an advanced, free photo editing option, The Gimp is a great option. Since it's downloaded to your hard drive, you don't have to worry about having Internet access when you're editing an image.

What Is Pinterest?

Introducing Pinterest:

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking website that allows you to "pin" images and videos that you find online and want to save or share with others onto virtual pinboards. It's similar to popular social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon, but you can only pin images and videos on Pinterest. People can follow you or your pinboards on Pinterest, and they can repin the content you share that they like, which adds it to one of their own pinboards. You can do the same thing with content pinned by other people. Users can also comment on each other's pins and "like" them.

More Pinterest Feature Details:

Pinterest is very visual and very social. You can create as many pinboards as you want and categorize them for pinning in any way you want. For example, you can create a pinboard called "Things I Like" or a pinboard called "Movies I'll Never Watch Again." It's up to you. Since all pins are either images or videos, Pinterest is a highly visual experience.
Pinterest offers a handy bookmarklet that you can add to your web browser toolbar, so you can instantly pin any image or video you come across as you're browsing the Web. You can also add a Pinterest button to your blog, so it's easy for people to follow you on Pinterest or pin your content at anytime.
When you see a pin on another person's pinboard that you like, you have five choices. You can follow that person, follow that pinboard, like the pin, comment on the pin, or repin the pin onto one of your own pinboards, making it easily accessible to you and visible to your followers. When other users perform the same actions when they find your pins, your audience grows and your pins' exposure grows. That means more potential traffic to your blog and more relationships that can lead to blog traffic and growth.

Who Is Using Pinterest?:

Pinterest is currently used primarily by women between the ages of 25-35. However, the site is growing incredibly quickly, and the audience is getting more diverse. Many individuals use Pinterest just for fun. It can be a hobby to pin things, similar to scrapbooking for many users.
Businesses use Pinterest to share images from events, to show off customized product collections, and to show customers using their products. Pinterest's terms of use policy clearly states that the site should not be used for direct promotion, but creative businesses find great ways to share their products and services without using blatant self-promotion tactics.
In other words, there is room for everyone to use Pinterest for a wide variety of personal, professional, and business purposes. Even nonprofit organizations can be found using Pinterest to share images and videos of events and stories.

Is Pinterest Right for You?:

Pinterest is a great choice for people who don't need to write lengthy blog posts and don't require a robust blogging application like WordPress or Blogger. It's a better choice than Twitter if you want to share primarily images and videos rather than text. And it's a better choice than Tumblr if you don't have a desire to share text and audio in a blog format, but prefer the pinboard style of Pinterest. Furthermore, if comments and two-way conversation are important to you, then Pinterest is a better choice than Tumblr which offers a more limited commenting feature.
Bottom-line, if you want to share, find, and discuss images and videos in an easy-to-use setting that mimics a billboard concept, then Pinterest is a great choice for you. If you want more features than image and video bookmarking, sharing, discovery, and commenting, then you should look into using a microblogging or blogging tool.

Free Top 10 Tricks Search Engine Optimization Tips How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog from Search Engines

trick for Search Engine Optimization

Getting a high rank on search engines through user keyword searches can be difficult, but with proper focus on writing your blog posts for search engine optimization (SEO), you can boost your rank for specific keyword searches and your blog's traffic. Follow these tips to get the biggest results.

1. Check the Popularity of Keywords

In order to obtain traffic from keyword searches on the major search engines like Google and Yahoo!, you need to be writing about a topic that people want to read about and are actively looking for information about. One of the easiest ways to get a basic idea of what people are looking for online is to check the popularity of keyword searches on websites like Wordtracker,Google AdWordsGoogle Trends or the Yahoo! Buzz Index. Each of these sites provides a snapshot of keyword popularity at any given time.

2. Select Specific and Relevant Keywords

A good rule to go by is to select one keyword phrase per page then optimize that page to that keyword phrase. Keywords should be relevant to the overall content of your page. Furthermore, choose specific keywords that are more likely to give you a better search results ranking than a broad term would. For example, consider how many sites use the keyword phrase of "punk music." The competition for ranking using that keyword is likely to be tough. If you choose a more specific keyword like "Green Day concert," the competition is a lot easier.

3. Select a Keyword Phrase of 2 or 3 Words

Statistics show that nearly 60% of keyword searches include 2 or 3 keywords. With that in mind, try to optimize your pages for searches on keyword phrases of 2 or 3 words to drive the biggest results.

4. Use Your Keyword Phrase in Your Title

Once you select the keyword phrase you plan to optimize your page for, make sure you use that phrase in the title of your blog post (or page).

5. Use Your Keyword Phrase in Your Subtitle and Headlines

Breaking blog posts up using subtitles and section headlines not only makes them more visually appealing on a text heavy computer screen, but it also gives you additional opportunities to use your keyword phrase.

6. Use Your Keyword Phrase in the Body of Your Content

It's important that you use your keyword phrase in the body of your blog post. A good goal to try to achieve is to use your keyword phrase at least twice in the first paragraph of your post and as many times as you can (without keyword stuffing - see #10 below) within the first 200 (alternatively, the first 1,000) words of your post.

7. Use Your Keyword Phrase in and Around Your Links

Search engines count links higher than plain text in their search algorithms, so try to create links that use your keyword phrase. Avoid using links that simply say, "click here" or "more information" as these links will do nothing to help you with your search engine optimization. Leverage the power of links in SEO by including your keyword phrase in them whenever possible. The text surrounding links is typically weighted more heavily by search engines than other text on your page as well. If you can't include your keyword phrase in your link text, try to include it around your link text.

8. Use Your Keyword Phrase in Images

Many bloggers see a large amount of traffic sent to their blogs from image searches on search engines. Make the images you use in your blog work for you in terms of SEO. Make sure your image filenames and captions include your keyword phrase.

9. Avoid Block Quotes

There are differing opinions on this issue with one group of people saying that Google and other search engines ignore the text included in the HTML block quote tag when crawling a web page. Therefore, the text within the block quote tag won't be included in terms of SEO. Until a more definitive answer can be determined to this issue, it's a good idea to keep it in mind and use the block quote tag cautiously.

10. Don't Keyword Stuff

Search engines penalize sites that stuff pages full of keywords simply to increase their rankings through keyword searches. Some sites are even banned from inclusion in search engine results because of keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is considered a form of spamming, and search engines have zero tolerance for it. Keep this in mind as you optimize your blog posts for search engines using your specific keyword phrase.

Free Top 5 Tips SEO Don'ts for Bloggers Avoid These SEO Mistakes

There are many search engine optimization tips (SEO tips) that you can follow to boost your blog content's rankings in search engine keyword results. However, there are also specific things you need to avoid to ensure that your content gets the ranking and traffic it deserves. Avoid the following SEO don'ts at all times!

1. Keyword Stuffing

Never stuff keywords into your content. It's perfectly acceptable to use your keywords in your content but if they appear more than once every 200 words or so, you're overusing them. You do not want to be accused of keyword stuffing. Even a blog that doesn't stuff keywords into blog posts but does stuff them into lists of links in the sidebar, in the footer, and in other places on the blog could be considered guilty of keyword stuffing.

2. Hidden Text and Hidden Keywords

Don't try to hide keywords in an extremely small font or in text that is the same color as the background of your blog. That's a big SEO don't and is a guaranteed way to get flagged as spam content if you're caught.

3. Duplicate Content

Don't republish content that has already been published online. This holds true for content within your own blog. Search engines like Google punish content that is not original. That means even if you write the content, don't publish it in more than one place.

4. No Original Content

Never publish content on your blog that includes a page filled with ads or links with little or no original content. That's a big spam flag for search engines!

5. Paying for Links or Publishing Paid Links

When people pay for links, it artificially inflates their popularity. Search engine algorithms typically reward sites with a lot of incoming links with higher rankings under the assumption that pages with a lot of links must be good or no one would link to them. In an effort to crack down on paid links and reduce this artificial popularity inflation, sites that pay for links and sites that publish links that have been paid for could be punished if they're caught.

Free Tips Blogging : Blog Resolutions 2013

While the beginning of a new year is a great time to give your blog a boost, the resolutions listed in this article can actually be used anytime. Whenever you feel like it's time to take your blog to the next level by increasing traffic, creating a better reader experience, or any other improvement you want to make, take a look at this list for inspiration. These aren't necessarily quick fixes but rather actual resolutions - changes in behavior - that can help your blog in the long term.

1. Increase Posting Frequency

If you only post once a week, bump that up to 3 times. If you post everyday, try to post twice a day at least three times per week. Every additional blog post provides new content for existing readers to view and new entry points for search engines to help new visitors find your blog. Follow the link to learn all about blog posting frequency.

2. Respond to More Comments

Comments are what makes blogs interactive, social and different from static websites. If you only occasionally respond to comments left on your blog posts, try to respond to at least half of the comments you get. If you already respond to most of the comments left on your blog, try to respond to every comment left on your blog. You can follow the links to read more aboutblog comments and blog conversations and communities through comments.

3. Clean Up Your Blogroll. Respond to More Comments

Comments are what makes blogs interactive, social and different from static websites. If you only occasionally respond to comments left on your blog posts, try to respond to at least half of the comments you get. If you already respond to most of the comments left on your blog, try to respond to every comment left on your blog. You can follow the links to read more aboutblog comments and blog conversations and communities through comments.
A blogroll is a great way to connect with other bloggers, but it's useless (and possibly annoying) to your readers if the links aren't helpful or don't work. Take some time to periodically test the links in your blogroll throughout the year to ensure they deliver value to your readers and actually work. You can follow the link to learn more about blogrolls.

4. Clean Up Your Sidebar

If your sidebar is cluttered with too many ads, useless links, and images and information that isn't useful to your readers, you need to delete the unhelpful excess. Take some time throughout the year to check the contents of your sidebar ensuring it's fully optimized to provide value to your readers as well as the results you want. 

5. Learn Something New

If you want to grow your blog's audience, a great way to do that is to introduce something new to your blog. For example, if you haven't learned how to create a podcast or vlog before, learn how and add it to your blog. You can follow the links to learn how to create a vlog andhow to create a podcast.

6. Try Something New

If you don't have time to learn something new, you can still try something new on your blog. Blog contests, guest bloggers, polls, and blog carnivals are just a few suggestions of new things you can try on your blog at anytime. Follow the links to learn more about blog contests,guest blogging, polls, and blog carnivals.

7. Try a New Promotion Method

If you want to grow your blog, then you have to take time to promote it. If you haven't been submitting your blog to social bookmarking sites, participating in social networking, using Twitter or another microblogging tool, commenting on other blogs, or participating in forums related to your blog, then you should start! Follow the links to learn more about social bookmarking, social networking, Twitter, increasing blog traffic and free blog promotion.

8. Network More

Networking is one of the keys to blog success. As you meet more bloggers, communicate with other people in the blogosphere, and become better known online, your blog will grow. Take some time to use the social networking and microblogging tools available to you to grow your blog indirectly. To learn more about social networking and microblogging, follow the links for more information about Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, Plurk and Jaiku.

9. Enhance Your Blog's Appearance

The visual appearance of your blog can have a big impact on whether or not visitors stay once they find it or return later. Take some time to evaluate your blog's appearance, and add enhancements or revisions to make your blog look better than ever. You can follow the links to learn where to find free Wordpress themes, where to find free Blogger templates, and where to find free photos to use on your blog.

10. Upgrade Your Blog's Functionality

There are a number of ways you can upgrade your blog's functionality. If you're currently using or TypePad, you might want to consider moving to Wordpress. If you're using the free version of, you can switch to and gain a significant amount of additional functionality. If you already use, you can add plug-ins to give your blog a boost. Follow the links to read a blogging software comparison to help you understand the difference between the various blogging platforms available. You can also follow the links to read more about blogging with Wordpress,, Typepad, vs., types of blog hosts and how to choose a blog host.